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The 4-step VivaScope Process

The current standard of care is to take a skin sample, or biopsy, and have this analyzed by a pathologist under a microscope. However, in some instances your clinician may determine that a biopsy is not required. In these cases, the VivaScope can be used to gather the images and information your clinician needs to make a clinical decision.

VivaScopes are now used in major hospitals and institutions within the U.S. and internationally where in-vivo cellular level imaging is considered an important part of the clinical decision making process.

The VivaScope is a quick, painless, and non-scarring method to assist physicians in gathering information that will help them decide on the appropriate treatment options. This noninvasive imaging procedure takes only a few minutes and begins with the capture of an image of the area of concern for review by your physician. This full-color, high-resolution photograph of the area can be used by your physician when determining the best course of action for you.